Princeton University Removes Wi-Fi Safety Assurances

Long overdue action, but better late than never. Kudos to Princeton University for removing statements assuring the safety of Wi-Fi from their website that were untrue given scientific studies and medical evidence and that were also severely legally problematic (see also correspondence from parents to Princeton officials and before and after screenshots of website):

The former statements were wishful thinking/ science denial/ fiction and disturbing coming from the intellectual perch of Albert Einstein.  This is a de-facto admission by the administration that parents provided them more scientific knowledge than they had in-house.

Next suggested steps: removal of Wi-Fi from dorms, classrooms and critical areas, and a move towards confining the Wi-Fi to a narrow, optional area of campus per the Access Board guidelines.


Press release:

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PG&E head to smart meter-injured: Take Prozac; CPUC head: “There really are people who feel pain, etc., related to EMF,etc.,”

PG&E to people injured by their smart meters: go take Prozac:

At least then Cal public utilities head Peevey admits to PG&E “EMF’s cause pain, etc,”:


Meanwhile, ConEd wants the PSC to approve $1.5 billion to roll them out in Westchester and NYC….

And Carol Brown, besides her aforementioned gleeful remarks about giving the run around to people calling about being injured by smart meters, the former chief aide to CPUC head Mike Peevey is implicated in PG&E judge shopping scandal prompting CA State Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo to say that

the possibility that Brown could return to being an administrative law judge shows the agency is “an organization totally out of control with no sense of reality.”

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Wireless Barbie and Wireless Headphones

Wireless Barbie…. and will record kids’ conversations on the cloud to boot (and other conversations in the room).


Huawei activity-tracking headphones…”wireless arm-bands to be a thing of the past” as this new device moves the locus of radiation from the arm… to the HEAD, where its wearers can listen to music and track calories burned:


Wheeler proposes to give Wi-Fi hotspots public utility status

The full article can only be accessed via password, but the public excerpt shows enough to see that this would mean blanket exemptions for Wi-Fi hotspots in the public square– if they are deemed public utilities (Full article text pending)

Feb. 24, 2015 6:50 p.m. ET

This week Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler plans to seize regulatory control over the Internet by declaring private broadband carriers to be public utilities. Less well known is that he also wants to usurp state authority to regulate municipal broadband networks………

Idaho Wi-Fi Graft

A federal judge threw out Idaho’s Wi-Fi contract, which was for public schools AND state offices (although not for radiation purposes, but for violating the state’s procurement law) and not until after the state of Idaho spent $750,000 in taxpayer dollars to defend the indefensible:


The Education Networks of America (ENA), a Wi-Fi contractor from Tennessee gave $38,750 in campaign donations over to the Governor, the Legislators, and the State Schools Superintendent. In return they got a $31.5m contract over 15 years to roll and maintain Wi-Fi out in the Idaho schools.  Pretty cheap for them, about $1 purchase for every $1,000 of revenue…


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“Smart” clothes to use bodies’ energy to power devices

The latest re: wearable tech, a milquetoast-sounding name for a Group 2b carcinogen-emitting/neurotoxic agent.

Adding to the signal smog in the indoor environment is the uBeam, maker of “wireless electricity”.  The uBeam promises to charge your “smart” phone in your pocket and other devices without wires!

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New York City loses pay phones “but gains so much more” ?!?!

Yes.  24-7 of publicly hazardous levels of radiation:

This petition has more information about the human rights violations this scheme by the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT- an acronym that could only be appreciated by a tech-happy Millenial who doesn’t even know that this infrastructure emits microwaves) will perpetuate; sign if you concur:

Hackable Cars and Wireless Sheep

Feb 9th NBC New York affiliate ran a story on hacking Wi-Fi’ed cars from 3,000 miles away.  Car can be stolen or an accident caused mid-drive.

The post on NBC’s website is down, but it lives on in Facebook:

And here is an old NBC news story from August, 2014:

This group is tackling the Orwellian nightmare that our cars have become:

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J Multidiscip Healthc: Unmet health care needs for persons with environmental sensitivity


J Multidiscip Healthc. 2015 Jan 23;8:59-66. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S61723. eCollection 2015.

Unmet health care needs for persons with environmental sensitivity.

Author information

  • 1Department of Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA.


Studies of unmet health care needs have shown that women, people with poor health, and people with lower socioeconomic status are more likely to report having unmet health care needs. In this study, we examined the types of and reasons for unmet health care needs in 465 people with environmental sensitivities. A second area of inquiry involved negative reactions to general anesthesia. Results showed that the most common barriers to receiving care were the inability to find a provider who understands environmental sensitivities and a lack of accessibility due to chemical and electromagnetic exposures in health care environments. Lower income and poorer health (longer illness, a worsening or fluctuating course of illness, and a higher level of disability) were significantly correlated with the total number of reported unmet health care needs. Some people with environmental sensitivities reported having negative reactions to anesthesia of long duration; most common were nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and reduced cognitive ability.


chemical hypersensitivity; chemical intolerance; chemical sensitivity; contested illness; electrohypersensitivity; environmental sensitivity
PMID: 25670904 [PubMed]

ConEd plans 2-way smart meter rollout in NYC and Westchester

After years of saying there were no 2-way smart meters planned for NY, ConEd has pulled a bait and switch and filed a rate case to rollout this affront to human decency.

Someone needs to tell the Department of Public Service and Public Service Commission and tell them quickly that the then-head of the California Public Utilities Commission admitted that smart meters cause people pain:

It isn’t legal to roll out something into the commons that is known to injure people; worse people who have developed electro-sensitivity from these public exposures (to say nothing of those who will develop it from the exponentially increased exposures) cannot access buildings where a smart meter is on the premises.

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