Sample Notice of Non-Consent and Demand for Removal with Affidavit of Specific Negative Averment: http://www.takebackyourpower.net/news/2014/05/16/template-notice-demand-removal-2014/
New York State Division of Human Rights Complaint Form: http://www.dhr.ny.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/complaint-form.pdf
New York City Commission on Human Rights: How to File a Complaint: http://www.nyc.gov/html/cchr/html/complaint/filing-complaint.shtml
Note, if you live in New York City or plan to access buildings in New York City, and you have any medical condition at all (the American Academy of Environmental Medicine issued a position paper stating that people with most medical conditions should avoid RF), including pregnancy (Environmental Health Trust and Grassroots Environmental Education had a press conference in June telling pregnant women to avoid routers) , explain that there should not be a smart meter on your home, or any other building you need to access in the city in order for the city to adhere to your rights under the New York City Human Rights Law (which has covered pregnant women since January, 2014).
“Smart Meters: Smarter Practices” Review by Dr. Isaac Jamieson Commissioned by the Radiation Research Trust: http://www.radiationresearch.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=173
“Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems” 2012 Legislative Proposal prepared by Nina Beety sponsored by Sonoma County Citizens Against Smart Meters: https://smartmeterharm.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/1-smart-meter-problems-dec-2012-final.pdf
Commonwealth Club, San Francisco 2014 Symposium “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid”, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy (videos): http://gettingsmarteraboutthesmartgrid.org/the_high_road_to_a_true_smart_grid_video
“Smart Meter-What We Know: Measurement Challenges and Complexities) by Peter Sierck, Industrial Hygienist: http://hbelc.org/pdf/Resources/SmartMeter_Sierck.pdf
Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters by Cindy Sage, Environmental Consultant: http://sagereports.com/smart-meter-rf/
Comments on the Draft Report by the California Council on Science and Technology “Health Impacts of Radiofrequency from Smart Meters” by Daniel Hirsch, PhD: http://www.committeetobridgethegap.org/pdf/110212_RFrad_comments.pdf
Expert Letters to California Council on Science and Technology re: smart meters: http://sagereports.com/smart-meter-rf/?page_id=282
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, “Smart Meters and EMR – The Health Crisis of Our Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PktaaxPl7RI
Dr. Darren Schmidt, D.C., “How Smart Meters Affect Your Body”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2Mt00xY8eU
Dr. David O. Carpenter, Presidential Cancer Panel on smart meters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7L21XOC2wA
Take Back Your Power: A Film by Josh del Sol (Feature-Length Documentary): http://www.takebackyourpower.net/
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) head 2010 email to Pacific Gas an Electric (PG&E) acknowledging that “There really are people who feel pain, etc., related to EMF,etc.” and suggesting people be allowed to keep their analog, non-microwave emitting meters so that they don’t become “hysterical”: ftp://ftp2.cpuc.ca.gov/PG&E20150130ResponseToA1312012Ruling/2010/09/SB_GT&S_0000529.pdf
Foliage affected by microwave radiation from smart meters and other sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsuP_WBBr2c and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRejDxBE6OE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LkOqoRkAwo and https://www.facebook.com/vivian.a.keller/media_set?set=a.798067706870037.1073741833.100000004451974&type=1
Occupy EMF Harm interview: Scroll to time stamp 10 minutes 43 seconds to get past intro music, etc. Starts off slow, but ramps up: http://mcrecordings.s3.amazonaws.com/EFQFPYMV5PCC7KPSNL8EC6H5AJLENRSM.mp3
Californians testifying about health complaints from smart meters (after Peevey appointees compare him to the Pope and Muhammad Ali): http://www.takebackyourpower.net/news/2015/02/13/utility-commissioners-private-emails-reveal-conspiracy/