The Psychosocial Aspects: “How Smartphones Destroyed a Generation”

At least someone has noticed that Millenials have relationships with screens, and not with people….. or themselves.

According to the CDC, people who are in wireless-only households drink more too!

Wireless substitution data
Twice a year, NHIS releases the most up-to-date estimates of telephone coverage available from the federal government. These estimates, based on in-person interviews, are used by survey researchers and political pollsters to ensure that their random-digit-dial telephone surveys include sufficient numbers of households with only wireless telephones. If telephone surveys do not include wireless-only households, coverage bias could result from differences between persons with and without landline telephones for the substantive variables of interest.
  • Results show that nearly two of every five American homes (45.4%) had only wireless telephones during the second half of 2014, an increase of 4.4 percentage points since the second half of 2013. In addition, more than two-thirds of adults aged 25–29 lived in households with only wireless telephones (69.2%).
  • The percentage of adults who had at least one heavy drinking day in the past year was substantially higher among wireless-only adults (30.3%) than among adults living in landline households (19.6%).

Left Sided Cancer May Be More Prevalent in the West v. Japan because metal coils in mattress springs amplify FM radio radiation

Curiously, the cancer rate is 10 percent higher in the left breast than in the right. This left-side bias holds true for both men and women and it also applies to the skin cancer melanoma. Researchers Örjan Hallberg of Hallberg Independent Research in Sweden and Ollie Johansson of The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, writing in the June issue of the journal Pathophysiology, suggest a surprising explanation that not only points to a common cause for both cancers, it may change your sleeping habits.

For unknown reasons the rates of breast cancer and melanoma have both increased steadily in the last 30 years. Exposure to the sun elevates the risk of melanoma, but the sun’s intensity has not changed in the last three decades. Stranger still, melanoma most commonly affects the hip, thighs and trunk, which are areas of the body protected from the sun. What is responsible for the left-side dominance and increasing incidence of these cancers?

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NYSDEC proposes gutting NYCRR Part 617 to make 5G a Type II action which would prevent environmental review

NYSDEC (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation) published the oral testimony before the Administrative Law Judge on proposed SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review Act) rule changes that would remove review for 5G small cells:
Written Testimony posted by Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications (includes pictures of so-called small cells:

Call Senators and Tell them to Vote No on S19 and S88

Vote NO on S19 and S88:
S19 The Mobile Act Now Bill: This bill would exempt small cell 5G from Telecom Act.  

Negative Effects:

* it  would gut local cell tower siting, local control and home rule and undermines the Telecom Act of 1996 which had preserved these functions.
* Having transmitters in closer proximity increases radiation power density as proximity to transmitter is a greater source of radiation exposure than the total power output.
* So called “small cells” will force exposure to radiation in peoples’ neighborhoods that will again, per the above create levels of radiation (electrosmog) in peoples’ environments that are routinely well beyond the level of extreme concern per the Building Biology Institute Guidelines and will create routine violations of the ADA and FHA.
* People should be at a bare minimum 1,500 feet from cell towers according to the literature. Radiation drops with the square of distance, so forcing these small cells in closer proximity to people will in fact increase their radiation exposure beyond what they would get from an inappropriately sited cell tower.
* The FCC’s 2013 Request for Comment on radiation exposure guidelines has not been reviewed, so there should be a moratorium on the rollout of more infrastructure at this time.

S88 The Digit Bill: This bill provides a coordination mechanism to gut regulations on transmitter siting to build out a system to connect wireless-enabled objects, the so-called “Internet of Things”. 

Negative Effects:

* The Internet of Things involves having consumer items in your house that can relay information back to a hub and creates opportunities for warrantless wiretapping and hence breaches of the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution. 
* Already we have learned how Samsung tv’s record conversations in one’s home and how “Alexa” data has already been subpoenaed in a criminal case.  These are privacy breaches.
* The forced buildout of the “internet of things” will create levels of radiation (electrosmog) in peoples’ environments that are routinely well beyond the level of extreme concern per the Building Biology Institute Guidelines and will create routine violations of the ADA and FHA. 
* There is international guidance against such transmitter proliferation and while the trend is to reduce exposure there, the US is increasing it exponentially.
* The FCC’s 2013 Request for Comment on radiation exposure guidelines has not been reviewed, so there should be a moratorium on the rollout of more infrastructure at this time.

Both bills violate the spirit of the 1968 Public Health Service Act.

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US Internet Technology headed to Cuba thanks to the Obama Administration

The Obama administration has lifted “US Internet Technology” from the Embargo as companies like AT&T Inc., Nokia Oyj and Verizon Communications Inc. have chomped at the bit to enter the Cuban market

Cue ensuing Wi-Fi saturation and attendant public health problem….someone should warn the Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM) where students from peasant, indigenous, and Afro communities in Latin America are offered fellowships and trained to become medical doctors and return to their communities of origin.

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The Hudson Valley “Energy Highway” transmission project: An idea whose time has passed?

“Proposed billion-dollar transmission project was conceived within an out-of-date “cost-of-service” and fossil fuel-based energy paradigm and it should not be built”


press releases:

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Wireless Right To Know Blog Post on LA-RICS and FirstNet:

WSJ LA RICS article:

The author, Ms. Finley- needs radiation education- obviously doesn’t know the difference between cumulative and short term exposure.  She even goes as far as to say this is a ruse by firefighters to deflect attention from their cheating on county promotional and hiring exams (apparently knowing nothing about the firefighter studies with Gunnar Heuser documenting brain irregularities from exposure to 4G towers).
The key is in these sentences:
Glendale said it had “not experienced any issues with the Verizon system being unusable in an emergency situation” and said Verizon had even made service upgrades free of charge. Pomona noted that Verizon’s system offered new tools such as field fingerprinting and photo-sharing in squad cars.
Why should cities pay for a secondary system that they might never use and that could prove more expensive and inferior to their private network
Stepping away from all the radiation business- this is the crux of the deceipt- it isn’t needed, is redundant- Homeland Security wants a beachhead to do their Homeland Security stuff- (which no one properly vetted).

Chinese Tech Firms Fight Over Pregnant Women Wi-Fi setting

from the article:

Chinese tech firm Qihoo has launched an upgrade to its P1 router, which features three settings: “wall penetration”, “balance” and … er, “pregnant women”.

Quite aside from this product not being a good enough reason to use the word penetration, the router has upset rival firm, Xiaomi.

Xiaomi has released its own new router, the Mi. The firm took to social media site Weibo to denounce Qihoo’s product as scaremongering.

Xiamo’s post read: “The so-called pregnancy mode [of Qihoo’s router] is just a marketing tactic. Wi-Fi usage is safe, so please rest assured when using it [Xiaomi’s router].

“We firmly oppose, and feel ashamed of, those who create rumours and arouse instability for business purposes.”